So. I was like "wtf? What even is this?"
I did some Google searching.
It was pretty easy to find. New York Post. Some OAN i think?
Anyway. Easy to find.
I read through the stories, to see what the thing is.
What strikes me about all the stories is that they repeatedly say the GOP found these emails. And that their super bad. And there's quotes from people reacting to the report.
But no actual citations from the report.
No screenshots of damning emails and clear evidence.
Just quotes of people saying "oh, it's bad."
How bad can it be when the reporters "breaking the story" don't actually present facts from "the story" and just quote people talking about how bad that report is?
The answer: it's a nothing burger with a nonsense wordsalad put out by the GOP in an attempt to distract from the J6C.