My Family:
Mom(My Actual Aunt): This is a new thing you do. cut the shit. (Says that about everything I've done for years)
Dad(My Actual Uncle): Okay...
Father(My Actual Dad): Awesome! Keep doing what you're doing! You'll go places!
Mama(My Actual Mother): *Gone from my life since age 2 or 3* T^T (True Story)
Step-mom(My Actual Dad's Wife): Oooooh..! Nice, buddy! *LGBTQ+ Questions come into play*
Aunt (My Actual Aunt): Nice! *LGBTQ+ Questions come into play*
Brother 1 (My Actual Cousin 1): *Nodding with a cool facial expression*
Brother 2 (My Actual Cousin 2): Okay... That's you buddy. I, personally, don't like that stuff because I'm not into animals. (Don't roast him, he tries to understand... he's just one of those guys)
Sister 1: (My Actual Cousin 3): Ooooh damn! That's pretty good buddy! (She's Lesbian, she at least naturally understands)
Brother 3: (My Actual Brother) Woah! Cool! kan yoo teech me two dwaw lyk dat? (He's 7 and can't spell much...)
Sister 2 (My Actual Sister): (:3) (She's my 7-y/o brother's twin... they are literal birth twins... both 7-y/o)...
Spirits: *Ghouly voice* Nice one! This will be good for if we come back to the living realms!
Dogs: *Sniff* *Sniff* *Grabs and attempts to eat* *We try to get them* *They run* *We end up cornering them behind the Christmas tree* *We get juked out of our shoes* *We run after them again* *They finally drop it and it's "Recoverable" according to my aunt...*
Cat Ghosts: *Sniff* *Sniff* *Pees on it (Probably)*
Fish Ghosts: *Flops on it and dies again*
Fish Babies: *Trapped in a net* (Yes we had fish babies... long story short... we got a male and female fish and didn't know... next morning... little bebeh phishies are swimming in the tank and getting eaten by the eel we had in there...)