I first got PTSD as an 8-year-old when I got bored and curious about what a nuclear siren sounded like, and so I got on my mother's phone (you know, because I didn't have a phone at 8 years old, obviously), and looked it up...
The stuff that I saw (and also heard) haunted my soul so badly that I couldn't sleep in my own bed for 4 days and nights straight (and reintroduction was especially difficult), and it left in me a dire traumatic fear of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear warfare occuring in my lifetime (I hope I never see the day it happens), a sudden and overwhelmingly keen interest in survivalism abd emergency-prepardeness (and later bushcraft), and somehow got me interested in the game of Minecraft to a considerable degree.
You're not alone in suffering from maddening PTSD, and that was just PHASE ONE of the hell-on-earth that I've experienced in the past. You're not alone in suffering from PTSD, Collin/Retro - I feel your pain on a spiritual level.