Thanks hun, you always know how to make me feel better u//////u *lays my head on your shoulder* I miss my little sister a lot, she passed away when she was 10 and I was only 13 when this happened- I wish she was still alive, but I know wishing for the impossible isn't going to bring her back to me and my dad, but I do know she's probably in heaven looking down on us making sure we are safe and sound, and will probably be proud of me for all the great things that's happened in my life, including you, the greatest future husband I can ever wish for to walk into my life ^/////////^ I'm sure you'd like her, and I bet she would like you as well, she was really nice and kind towards others (I mean sure, she used to bring frogs and toads into the house that would drive us nuts, but she means well š
If she were still alive I'd love to introduce you to her and have her introduce herself too, she gets shy but I'm sure she'd open up to you at some point in time-
She was nutty, but a great sister.