Wallhammer asked to be replaced as owner before deleting, it was probably TLP or Peach or Sauce who got it after the poll. I forgor 💀
Mob rule. That's why we choose our own candidates, it's usually the same people every time.
But it's hard to start it over right now, because we don't have any cool candidates . _ .
So it's not happening until our users change and grow as people.
No, no. You gave us no choice but to wait while you fixed the stream while I asked Ollie numerous times to give the old owners owner back so WE could fix it ourselves.
If I'm being honest, the only time we needed help was to get s o m e o n e to be an owner to fix the stream
Del got Owner after a month. Your race to get all the Sitewide Moderators off the Owner list and OG's on the Owner list, the subsequent Owner voting into the next inevitable arkuum is duly noted.
Look. Im very thankful for you guys. Without them msmg would be toast. But, dont you think its time to leave msmg to us again? Its been 4 months. We have drizzy del cloud and bombhands. 4 very trustworthy owners.
I wonder if there will be another arkuum. Like the seven or eight times before the latest occurance. Ever see the movie "Aliens"? Maybe next time they'll nuke it from orbit.
See, this is what I'm talking about. On 2022-08-03 Narfish removed all the MSmg Owners, deleted all the Moderators and turned the Submissions per day to zero.
Sitewide Moderators bring the stream back to life and you say "you ruined it".
Man its been 24 hours
I honestly completely forgot about this convo till i got the last notification. All hail the glorious site mods i guess? Have a good Thanksgiving🦃