More thought.
It’s unspeakable my bro. Saying anything corrupts it.
We’ve called it many things tho.
Buddha, nature, awareness, consciousness, Christ, consciousness, Krishna, consciousness, Universal mind, etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum
Sat Chit Ananda.Pure beingness.
Existence, consciousness, bliss, I figured you of all people would know this one, for several reasons. You’re clearly intelligent, well versed and knowledgeable about spiritual practices etc and basically very knowledgeable over all.
No brain death. Looking for the mind in the brain is like looking for the radio announcer inside the radio.
Consciousness, I Am, is still awake and aware even in deep sleep. Turiya is the state where with practice one can stay awake as awareness even during deep sleep.
I’ve been practicing Turiya intermittently for a year or so and have been successful many times.
Very similar to some psychedelic experiences I’ve had.
You too I thought.
I must have zoned out during that part of the lecture. Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits. I suppose it's semantic but I always thought consciousness implied thought, even if the thought is limited to "I am aware". I also intended "being" to describe a state of mind devoid of action, thought, perception or feeling but as you pointed out, words fail to encompass it. I suppose I could try another way.
I’ve asked a couple of my friends who speak different languages, what language their inner voice, which, apparently some people don’t have, speaks in.
I was baffled just two weeks ago to find out that not everybody has a voice in their head. I certainly wouldn’t mind getting rid of at least half the circus that I’ve got.
Crows on the bed post always talking.
Ack! Triggered! "Silence the chattering monkey!" "Fxck you, I've invested my entire K-12 education plus 4 years of college training that insatiable little shit to work for me and now I'm supposed to IGNORE him?! I've been set up! School is a sham! My life is a lie! AAAAAAAAAGH!!! *sob* [monkey hands me a banana and I feel a little better]
You know, I take that back: the statement "I am aware" implies the presence of a self, which is unnecessary for consciousness. #egodeath
I'll tip my hand a little by revealing that almost everything I know was intuited or gleaned from conversations with similarly uninformed friends. I'm not proud of my lack of formal indoctrination, but when I was younger I was too precocious to bother, and now that I'm done cooking I'm too lazy. Meh.
Correct. I am aware still refers to a thinker or thought.
My primary teacher is Ramana Maharishi but there are several in the bag.
He would say at that point of “I am aware” to continue self inquiry. Ie Who is aware?
I’ve been using his self inquiry method, not religiously which is probably why I’m not a finished awakened being, for several years.
“Who am I” self inquiry.
I keep looking but ain’t no one home.
Who is asking is a follow up question I use.
Still, no one there.
Yes, #egodeath using that method.
What’s really a trip is that even the ego is imagined. It doesn’t exist either but it will fight to the death and it’s very cunning about its message. It knows more about me than I do lol.
I had forgotten that I learned how to practice TM. Years later at a Buddhist temple I was shown breath counting meditation, but by choosing to count to 1 I essentially made the number 1 my mantra. Definitely experienced the sensation of being somewhere else but not exactly sure where, but most of the time it felt like I was sitting with my eyes closed waiting for a timer to go off.
And there's no shortage of company in my head. Mostly "my" voice, but occasionally "visitations", "channeling" or psychosis, take your pick. I take solace in knowing that as long as I can identify the disparate chattering as "not real", I'm merely disturbed...
Yes, THAT! Teehee. Me too on most of that.
I’ve done the “1” meditation before.
1,1,1,1,1,1. Lol. It’s a good one.
Where does “I” go while never having left?
Don’t know.
Coming and going is illusion.
Thanks for sharing.
You’re a great reflection for me. A teacher too.
Thanks for being.
I had a paranoid psychosis that was drug induced that lasted my first two years in recovery. I’ve been sober nine years now. It finally went away around my second you’re sober.
I didn’t know if I was going to make it man. My psychosis was quite frightening to be sure, constantly having my life narrated with horrific ways by horrific beings. Whether they were in my head or not, they sure didn’t seem like it.
Glad that’s over. Whew
Mostly anyway