I am not upset, offended, despairing, agitated, hurt, bitter, down, dismayed, disquieted, mournful, distressed, muddled, rattled, bereaved, ruffled, troubled, melancholy, unsettled, in disarray, depressed, unglued, enraged, exasperated, outraged, dejected, resentful, despondent, affronted, infuriated, put out, riled, glum, forlorn.
Nor am I down in the mouth, annoyed, down in the dumps, blue, cheerless, heavy-hearted, irritated, in doldrums, languishing or chagrined.
Because I'm just here to have a good time.
Regardless, when someone resorts to name calling there is really no further point, rationale, passion, grounds, need, debate, aspiration, discourse. will, urge or desire to continue the discussion, dialog, diatribe, debate, conversation, communication and so on.