Like seriously, could you imagine it for second? Picture him, and picture him saying in his voice.
".... alright... alright settle down. Order. Order on the floor. F**king... Order in the house. Thank you. Up next, HR543367. This bill... it's... says here the Veterans Day Postage Stamp Tax Exemption Act. It's a... it's... I mean... you've read it, right? Shut up, I don't care, order. Uh, before voting, let's here from the bill's sponsor, the gentleman from Tennessee. .... oh, you're a nay? This bill has Nay, seriously? Jesus, it is too early in the day for this. Ok, so it looks like the lady from Wyoming has the floor. ... are you sure we can't just skip straight to voting? Ok never mind, order, order, ORDER. F**k it. Please be quick, this is so boring. Go."