Let’s work our way down from the top. Pointy a** ears, plus where do they f*cking end inside? They’re so wide you could stick this clowns mother into them. Speaking of wide, how much steroids does this guy take to make his shoulders look so fat, as if that would make him any more b**chless. His hair looks like if you went to Home Depot, took all of the color cards and stuck it in a blender to p*ss on and slather on your face. His hands have way too much fur on them to even be called hands or f*cking paws, plus, wtf is that ring even for? This mf thinks he can fool us into thinking he’s ever even had a conversation with a female rat or whatever the f*ck this guy dates. He also has a f*cking samurai sword, as if he knows how to even use it, and when the f*ck would you even use a samurai sword? Shaving his face? Doesn’t really matter since this guy can’t look any worse even if he was bald. Look at his pants, where’d he get them, from Steve? And he’s probably had them since he was a kid since he has no father to buy another pair for him. Plus look how small his d*** is, what is he, putting cardboard in his pants? His feet look like you took a dinosaur paw, smashed the toes in and bended it, and then covered it in ugly red fur. Oh yeah, also jack foxenburrow? What the f*ck kind of name is that? Just paired the most generic name with two even more generic furry words. Hopefully he gets those grapes out of his eyes- oh those are his eyes! I think it’s safe to say this guy will be a loser for the rest of his life.