Positron Emission Tomography scan. Fluorine 18 tagged with glucose, Cancer takes up the glucose and images. Wish people could see who are the greatest threat to the USA!!
Y’all should listen to Ben Sharpio and Matt Walsh they are really good at dismantling the lefts crazy ideas and absolutely destroy them with simple logic
May I ask, respectfully, what exactly have the Republicans done to quote “Save America” and quote, besides allowing school shootings to continue and spread hatred for different groups of people?
Because the left is killing more people then we are, have your heard of abortion also they support the woke feminists who want to be above men and emasculate them. They’ve taken our Boy Scouts and let girls and they constantly sit on their a**s and victimize themselves. 3rd wave feminism is cancer it we need to kill it. I hope we get Hershel walker in the senate we need him.
No I’m saying that tiktokers are saying things and doing things as feminists that emasculate men, idk why put mainstream media that is totally a scam sorry about that, meant to say Ben sharpie, Matt Walsh, and Brett cooper from the daily wire