It’s a CliffNotes version of Mormonism. A fake mustache. He can recite all the things he thinks he needs to about Joseph Smith, and the tablets, and whatnot, but it feels hollow. Anyone could do this with a few minutes of study.
I’ve known several Mormons in my life, including those of conservative bent (which is most of them). They tend to be pragmatic and patriotic, easygoing, curious, knowledgeable of international issues (many have served as missionaries overseas), and conservative from a fiscal and family-values standpoint, but resistant to the latest Trump-flavored right-wing fashions and trends. Mitt Romney is a paradigmatic example. Evan McMullin (independent, anti-Trump conservative, former Presidential and current U.S. Senate candidate) is another.
I’ve never known any real-life Mormons to back the BritishMormon concepts like #DezNat, which is a fringe secessionist idea that travels in alt-right and white nationalist waters. IG actually advocated secession from the U.S., if you recall — he had a sad little website devoted to the idea that he linked on occasion. The concept that we love America so much that we’re going to secede from it is a thing that is just never going to compute with most Mormons.
Anywho. BM’s real religion hasn’t changed. The things that get him up in the morning, are, in no particular order: Western Civilization, Brexit, homophobia, Russophilia, election denial, getting himself elected President of a meme site, and marshaling users who barely use this stream to pass bills no one wants (and are usually unconstitutional). Then you add in his overall humorlessness and cringe and grating personality, and the similarities compound…
And yet, in spite of all these similarities, they could *still* be different people. The kicker, as far as I’m concerned, is their periods on Imgflip didn’t overlap at all. IG’s account goes poof, some time passes, and then BM appears out of nowhere. That’s too many coincidences to ignore.
Tl;dr — Try to imagine IG and “BritishMormon” having an actual conversation. Lol.