I really don't trust corporate media. Doesn't mean I don't believe news. I just don't trust it to be unbiased. For example Fox Breitbart etc don't really lie but they have a right slant and focus on certain things while ignoring other things. CNN MSNBC same thing but to the left. Neither generally LIE they just slant their stories. Also most corporate media is now opininators who editorialize not deliver straight news. So not trusting the news doesn't equal not believing the news. At least in the way I mean it when I say it.
Like if a Republican politician says anything negative about a Democrat politician I generally don't care same with the other way around. Like oh breaking news Democrat and Republican politicians don't like each other. Or when celebrities or politicians are big jn the news and suddenly someone comes out of the woodwork with unprovable allegations from decades ago I take it with a grain of salt. Especially if it's about a Denocrat and Fix is all over it or if it's a Republican and CNN is all over it.
And yeah I have been hearing about Rissians fleeing or injuring themselves, more so after Putin announced what was is conscription 300,000 mote reservists? Doesn't seem like a fear the real Russian army moment. Sounds more like they are low on troops and morale to me. When both rightvleft xnd independent media agree or report similar stories that sort if validates things a bit more for me.