You’ve got that right! I am very conservative, but I left the Republican Party many years ago. I will vote for non-entrenched Republicans, but never for the entrenched RINO’s. The Republican Party campaigned on ‘Repeal and Replace ObamaCare’, then sat on their hands after they took the House, the Senate and the Oval Office.
They refused to assist Trump in building the wall, which resulted in Trump’s executive action to redirect funds from the military to the Wall. But when Biden came in, Trump’s executive order became moot.
They have had such stellar presidential nominees like Romney, McCain, Dole, and other RINO’s. And the Senate is led by RINO Mitch McConnell. The Republicans conducted many ‘Kabuki Theater hearings’ where nobody was held accountable.
It is my sincere hope that if the Republicans retake the House and Senate, that the entrenched become a minority voice in the party. We seriously need real Constitution loving Conservatives to lead the country.