I'd be more worried about the price and availability of fossil fuels in 8 years, especially if everyone continues to rely on them. You think there's an infinite suppy of them that will last forever. You also think it comes from countries that don't also hate us. You also think ev batteries are the only batteries when, thanks to the FBI sealing the plans for Nicola Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower, all mobile technology relies on them. But people who aren't bent on creating a future that resembles the plot of Mad Max will continue moving us forward despite having to drag the dead weight of slow adopters and people who would rather sink the whole ship than work alongside whatever pejorative moniker you prefer using to paint the straw-boogie-man that exists mostly in your mind, and that will ease the strain on our fossil fuel supply enough to incrementally prolong its viability as an energy source for minorities, poor white people, technophobes, whathaveyou. You won't have to thank evs for that extra time you can afford to keep spewing co2. Your mindless contempt is implied.