Right—it’s a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. Nobody Knows the actual number—or maybe You do. The best estimate is done through interpolation…. based on Reported numbers. It sounds like You think it’s just a number picked out of the sky, no relationship with reality. Which means you probably think/wish it’s much lower. (What’s an acceptable number of deaths?!). And you don’t want it to be high, because you support it, because—likely—you bought into the charade and took the shot yourself. Look fella… my number is wrong on the date—oh ow, you got me. The other number ain’t mine—it’s from a pro-vaxxer (former), who knows what he’s talking about. I don’t care if you are deceived by the lies… but I suggest you get right with God. If your shot has not yet affected you, just wait. Start counting 24–36 months after your last shot. Get back to me then… tell me I’m wrong