Yeah, once you finish school, you have approximately 40 years of work before you can even BEGIN to relax, and that's not even taking into consideration the college fee if you want a decent job. Most people aint getting a free ride, mmk? Oh yeah, we also got the stress of finding and taking care of your own home, paying these go***mned electric/water bills, gas to get to wherever after 16 years old, internet, going through junk mail, TAXES, 6 hours of sleep (which you probably already get), minimum wage job, O V E R T I M E, mortgage, taking care of your car, depression. addiction, and a bunch of other bs that I can't think of. Even after all this, you're STILL unlikely to get any b**ches, as you now have no social life from previously-mentioned overtime...
I should not know all this stuff, I'm not even in HIGH SCHOOL yet.