Excellent job grabbing a throwaway line and throwing away the entire point of the sentence. You're also doing a great job of throwing around fancy phrases without bothering to consider what they mean. According to your meme, Satan punishes sinners for all eternity. That is false in every sense of the word according to every religion that features him. (Revelation 20:9-10) According to your meme God whines because people worship idols. That is also false, at least, he doesn't cry like a weak cheems, he is sad that people have chosen separate themselves from him, as he is whether the separation is caused by idolatry, murder, theft, adultery, or any other act by which people separate themselves from God. (Revelation 21:7-8) So if there is to be a court-martial regarding false witness, you have born witness that Satan is the one who will tornent sinners for eternity and that God is concerned only for his feelings when he commands all men to repent of their idolatry, both of which are false. Thus you are the one who bears false witness regarding all things about which you speak.