Sidebar #1: just because the courts determined I only need 2/3 of active congressmen to pass bills in no way implies that everyone from politics6 or wherever is now in Congress.
Active mean "active on this stream" not active on imgflip or active on Incognito's memechats.
If you're not in Congress or at least already active on the stream, you can't vote. Period.
If you're active ON THIS STREAM, not the memechat empire, and don't know if you're in Congress, you can assume you are in Congress since Fak_u_lol appointed a bunch of people.
If you're not active ON THIS STREAM, but wanna be talk to fak or myself and we'll see if we can get a seat for you.
If "someone" had to memechat you about this vote, and the first thing you've done on this stream recently is vote on this meme... don't bother. It's not gonna count.