And thus they'll have to start opening orphanages, and a lot.
Let's see who'll foot the bill on that growing expenditure.
Not to mention the rise in crime, as an unexpected decrease in rates since the 90s in the US (beyond that caused by the end of the Crack Epidemic in the inner cities) has been attributed to abortion.
The majority of criminals in prison grew up in single parent households, with poverty and other negative contributing factors in a dysfunctional household headed by someone who didn't want to have the child stearing them on that delightful course. Add to that millions of potential new candidates from the pool that would have otherwise been aborted, and the ciminal justice system and prison industry will get one heckuva boost in those states, most already higher ranking in per capita crime rates.
Maybe the dunderheads will start piling them on buses to send to civilization for improved housing opportunities like they already do with their homeless and now illegal aliens. We should put walls around them so they can fester in their own bile.