Origins:; The art of incredibles; Mr incredible from Twitter; Crying blood in grey background; Distorted version; Derrick Todd Lee; Mr incredible with blacked eyes; Bob eyes on eyes and mouth; Distorted version of Derrick Todd Lee; Heavily distorted version; Edited as a smile, and whited out and teeth seen; Pasted a google skull in the face; Edited to smile and all red; Edited to smile but there's bob eyes on the mouth and lighter color and drawn eyes; Sad troll to make it sadder; Boomerang Incident; Ahenobarbus genocied; Wojak becoming uncanny/melting or a skull/red wojak; The first trollge Incident; Trollge.exe; Google skull; Probably from a game; Edited crying radio man; F is for fear; "Creepy zombie kid" in Google; "Cursed videos if you watch this video you will die" in Youtube; "Scarier Faces" in Youtube; At the barbershop meme; Bob eyes everywhere in eyes and mouth; Red dots in mouth and eyes and skull again; Phase 15 bob eyes; I honestly don't know; I honestly don't know; Mirrored Phase 5 and red