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376 views 19 upvotes Made by TrumpTriedToStealAnElection 2 years ago in LGBTQ
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2 ups, 2y,
2 replies
I've seen braver and stronger things, But oh well, It does still need a lot of courage xD
0 ups, 2y
I watched an 8 year old little girl run to my squad while mortars were dropping all around her just so she could get to where we were trying to save her mothers life. That was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen. But kids having to come out to their families while being unsure about their families reaction? Brave as all hell. Hurrah. Marines for ALL AMERICANS.
0 ups, 2y,
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Can you tell us what you’ve seen ?
0 ups, 2y,
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You probably don't wanna know. XD
0 ups, 2y
Yeah , I live in the real world.
1 up, 2y,
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So, came out a few days ago, I gave no thought and now I feel like I should have thrown up a bunch
0 ups, 2y
I couldn’t say, I don’t know if I could summon the courage to do it if I were gay. I have a hard time admitting that I was the one that peed on the toilet seat. I always tell my wife it was one of my kids that did it. But for everyone that has come out to their families I have the upmost respect. Seems like one of the bravest acts a young person would have to tackle.
0 ups, 2y
My wife and I are pretty laid back so it wouldn’t have been an issue for my kids. We have other family that came out when they were younger and I never really gave it a second thought until other family members had crappy comments, then we got involved to put a stop to that. Seems like an extremely difficult task.
1 up, 2y,
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everyone I know is homophobic so yes
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
I’m sorry that you are feeling surrounded by haters. But it will get better. Just know that the majority of the country are not hate filled nimrods
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I am not gay
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But it’s ok to defend fellow Americans that are gay.
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I ain't even american
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Well, maybe you should find another stream
0 ups, 2y,
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ouch. this stream doesn't say "American" does it?
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Yup. Lifelong Christian. Is there a problem?
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31 replies
don't you believe in one god then? not multiple? and isn't the Torah part of the Bible?
0 ups, 2y
Nobody is reading your word vomit, and nobody could possibly be better for it. Read the book you claim to understand lest you continue to look like a fool.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the same, one God. Some of the stories in the Bible and the Koran and the Torah were in existence long before Christianity, Judaism or Muslim. Here’s just one example, the epic of Gilgamesh. Written far before any of the others were even thought of. The epic of Gilgamesh is the story of Noah. But was written by the Sumerians who worshipped many gods. They called them the Annunaki. Long before any other religion was created. Now , that fact doesn’t take away anything from the other three that came along much later. It just means that man wrote the texts and maybe took a bit from much earlier cultures. Now , what would you like me to educate you about next?
0 ups, 2y
actually, there are many flood stories from many religions. that's just proof that it happened, not that they agreed on the cause. Yehovah is God's name, and it is not to be taken lightly. Allah is not. also, you sound like you are beginning to let your ego run from you, so maybe I'll throw out a name you'll recognize. remember bearyingbunnies? that's me! and I'm back with my endless knowledge and songs.
0 ups, 2y,
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Protect the children. Feed the hungry. Welcome the stranger as a friend. And above all, love. See you, my fellow Christian, Saturday!!!
0 ups, 2y
so you're just a coward? you're scared of what will happen if you cut against the grain? bad things happen to the lukewarm church, and my philosophies are anything but lukewarm. now either stop claiming to be Christian or use godly speech and principles. love your neighbor as yourself?...I'm still not sure what these Q sites are, but yes I've read the Bible and evidently you have not. by evidently I don't mean that condescendingly I just mean that you don't seem to recognize or know any verses. and stop acting immaturely. I'm trying to have an adult conversation with you but you're reverting to unacceptable behaviors. you keep saying how hate filled I am, and I keep correcting you, and you keep missing the point. God clearly states in the Bible that being trans or homosexual is wrong. and He clearly states that we are to witness to the nonbelievers. something you're apparently too fearful to do. sure, call this vomit so you can avoid it. or make up terms that you think will annoy me and get me to lose my temper. but guess what? someone with the Holy Spirit inside of them doesn't act like that. sorry if you can't handle some salad. maybe you'd prefer Koolaid
0 ups, 2y
Whether it was my Native American buddy, or my Asian American buddy or my American buddy that is not straight, we understand an oath, loyalty, and defending ALL Americans. While we worship together. You may not understand that because you only earn that trust on a battlefield. I didn’t understand my Native buddy’s prayers, but I knew that as we were getting shelled that one God was watching over us. Move on kiddo, you’ve lost this battle
0 ups, 2y
Gods word has avoided you sunshine, that’s why it’s not sticking
0 ups, 2y
Ouch, hey kiddo I’ll pray for you. To the one real God that can save your soul from the sins you’ve committed by worshiping a false orange idol. Good luck, I know a good proctologist that can remove Jesus sandal from your rear end.
0 ups, 2y
Try again bunnies
0 ups, 2y
See you on Saturday! Unless you can’t find the faith to help out.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
That’s what I thought. Now, go buy the three books, read them, and then you can engage in a conversation about them. I’ll give you copies when you come by for charity on Saturday.
0 ups, 2y
sooo...i don't live in illinois..that'd be like a 12 hour drive, and i'm pretty sure i can find some service work that doesn't require losing my sanity behind the wheel.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
You’re on an alt account because your hate got you a timer on your main
0 ups, 2y
nah it's because I'm banned here. I can send you the screenshot and you'll see them chewing me out. or I can find the link so you can see where the user apologized for being rude to me, not vice versa. and cuz I have the new user timer on this account, I'll go ahead and reply to your other comment as well.

can we have an adult conversation here? I'm trying to set an example but it isn't working, so I'll be more direct. you need to use more mature arguments, and represent Christianity well. talk the way you do when you're not waving my banner, because you're not being very godly with your speech. I haven't heard of Quanon, but I do know that out of the two of us I'm the one that has been citing the Bible and not just expressing my opinions. to emphasize this, proverbs 18:2 says, "fools take no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions." I don't want to be a fool, so I've been using God's opinions. and calling Him a fool won't be the smartest thing you've done today. easily defeated? you'll give yourself too much credit to jump to such a conclusion. quickly forgotten? hopefully you won't forget the words of wisdom I've quoted from the Bible. hate filled coward? I bring no hate with me. sometimes action is necessary, as demonstrated by Christ when he turned the tables (literally) on the money changers. and fear isn't something I'm accustomed to. I did take fire for my beliefs the last time I was here and managed to not return fire. do you want to know what the word meek means in Greek? it means having a sword and not using it. meek, not weak. and then when you have to use that sword you'll have the control you need. hope you've read all the way to here because this took me a while.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Well the Torah, Koran and Bible are based on the same stories to a point . But man decided to break off into seperate belief systems. So , yes and no. A lot of what is in those works actually come from much, much older sources that had nothing to do with God. They had to do with gods.
0 ups, 2y
The Torah is part of the Bible though...
0 ups, 2y
As long as you focus your hate on me, I am doing the Lords work. Leave these folks alone.
0 ups, 2y,
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I hope things get better for you
0 ups, 2y
ty. you too.
0 ups, 2y,
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Maybe you should take your brand new , alt account and go hate folks elsewhere. I’ve educated you plenty here. You clearly just want to harass folks in this stream and can offer nothing that adds to any productive conversation. The Lord loves all his people. No matter race, religion or orientation. If you’re struggling with that fact then that’s your problem.
0 ups, 2y
I'm sorry, you saying something doesn't make it true. with what I've seen (and you know I don't like to jump to conclusions) it's more towards the opposite. I'm not harassing anyone. believe it or not, the only hate in this conversation is coming from you. trying to condescend doesn't work on me and it doesn't improve your image. I don't remember saying that the Lord didn't love his people. He is sad when they disobey though. and I'm trying to make Him happy, so I'll lovingly help those that stray from the narrow path. sorry I'm on a comment timer since this account has under 1000 points
0 ups, 2y
So was the book of Enoch. And the book of giants. What’s your point? And make it good because I’m bout done entertaining your bullshit.
0 ups, 2y
You propose that YOU share the Lords Word? Yeah, there’s a reason why you need alternate accounts.
0 ups, 2y
Here’s your chance to hate folks that are different. Bandito Barney’s bar, east dundee Illinois. Instead of hiding behind a screen come do Gods work at a charity event run by gay folks. Put up or shut up. We are raising money for kids that don’t have enough to eat, Gods work. Come preach your hate Saturday. I’ll be the big guy with the hot wife, I’ll be wearing suspenders. You got until Saturday to not be an internet coward. Pray with me or hate my friends, it will be your choice.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Show up or shut up
0 ups, 2y
either go build a house for the starving African children in 8 hours or you're not Christian. setting me something you know I can't do, (like driving 12.5 hours over the course of an afternoon) and then saying that I'm illegitimate because I can't do it isn't very Christian. if you want to talk about what it means to be a Christian, and I'm serious, then lmk and I can dm you or something.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Do what I did, go to a book store, buy and reach each one. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet but not one in the same as God. But they still praise his name along with Abraham and Mohammed.
0 ups, 2y
and what does the Bible say about false gods? not good things
0 ups, 2y
I’ll do my best to keep my gay niece from inserting her boot where your faith belongs.
0 ups, 2y,
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Dude I can’t read your word salad. Get a grip on reality, love your fellow creations of The Lord and move on.
0 ups, 2y
I can see God's word isn't sticking so there's no point in further conversation. there's a verse about that...but it wouldn't help it seems. good day, sir, and if you by chance read my word salad maybe you'll be better off for it
0 ups, 2y,
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Ok sports fan, what false gods are you referring to?
0 ups, 2y
sports fan? anyway, Allah is not a name God associates with. would you call upon Him with that name?
0 ups, 2y
This is about to get humiliating for you, but please, answer the question.
0 ups, 2y
Your faith is sooooo strong . I know you’ll be there.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Myself and my brothers at the VFW hall got it covered. But everyone is welcome. Do what you like.
0 ups, 2y
I appreciate the invitation. also, if you think of something else you have the burning desire to say to me (trust me, I've had that feeling) then would you mind commenting on one of my images for bearyingbunnies? I'm not on this account much, so I don't see all these comments
0 ups, 2y,
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Unless feeding hungry kids isn’t your thing. Or, and let’s be honest here, you’re a troll that needs a bit of fire and brimstone to help you become a man.
0 ups, 2y
i mean i haven't volunteered for that specifically before, but i'd do it. and you keep switching back into that childish speech mode, which is not making Christians look good. so let your light shine before men? right. i've taken enough fire and hate already.
0 ups, 2y
You find that verse as you and your hate head over to a Q site
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Yeah man , you’re wrong, it’s clear to everyone. I did my best to help you but you are choosing to be willfully ignorant. Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the same God. Using different names means nothing kiddo. Read the books, educate yourself lest you look like a fool again in the future.
0 ups, 2y
thanks for your opinion, I value it. the Bible says that many will cry "Lord, Lord!" and that He will say, "I never knew you." I like to back up my claims with Scripture, see. and the fool is the one arrogant, condescending, and unwilling to hear others' voices. I'm afraid you're in that category.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Kid, I’ll pray for you but even I’m not sure that’s going to help you.
0 ups, 2y
appreciate the prayers. I'm going through a lot right now. and never doubt the power of God. that should be your takeaway from this.
0 ups, 2y
Son, you’ve already shown that you have no grasp of the Bible, Christian values or religion in general. So take your nonsense back to the Quanon sites and leave the overwhelming majority of the country be. Take your hate, and your desire to use the Bible as an excuse to hate others like the taliban or ISIS has done with the Koran and just go away. I’ve had to fight religious extremists in the Middle East. And you are no different. Easily defeated, quickly forgotten, hate filled cowards.
0 ups, 2y
Push that crap on a republican. I’ve been in a foxhole. With both straight and gay brothers watching my back. Guess what? As we prayed together, there was no confusion about our loyalty and bravery. The Lord watches everyone, and he sees your hate . Do better
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Hey I think we can agree that enjoying some bud is nice
0 ups, 2y
well yes
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And being kind is ok too
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Don’t join this stream to hate on these folks. American or not. I’m not here to debate anything, I’m here to support and show love.
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And if you’re not American, that is even more the reason to support folks that need it. Every human needs back up. Whatever God you believe in is watching. And protecting others is our job, from the Koran, the Torah and The Bible.
0 ups, 2y
aren't you a Christian though?
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Well, we can start there no matter where you’re from
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0 ups, 2y
And if everyone you know is homophobic, it’s your responsibility to educate them. Hate is wrong , and tolerance is right. I’m not gay either but I shut down hate whenever it’s presented to me.
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