No, they weren't! Machievelli is one of the most misunderstood writers of his time and a lot of what he wrote was to demonstrate that economic and military practices of the time WEREN'T working.
Most military campaigns back then were run on private contracts to, basically, mercenaries. Nobody thought anything of it. Invisible hand of the market, the person who manages the money best wins, right? And they couldn't figure out why mercenaries kept switching sides, sometimes mid-battle, because ultimately France had more money than any of those city states had on their own and France had an eye to conquering all of them some day.
When Machievelli was put in charge of the defence of Florence, he put the entire mercenary system in the garbage and enlisted the citizens to serve. Basically, you guys live here, you're not going to switch sides, now pick up a sword and fight. And that was so successful that they ended up capturing Parma, a different city entirely.
Nowadays, they'd call him a leftist for that.