MJ ( Military Jacob ): Oh crap
MEJ ( Medical Jacob ): Shet
OJ ( Original Jacob ): This is bad!
DDJ ( Disassembly Drone Jacob ): This ain't so bad . . . maybe . . .
Lucas: huh
Draco: ??
Lucas: there's a kid outside in the snew
Draco: first of all, stop calling it "snew"
Lucas: no.
(ah yes brother bickering)
Diamond: keep it down, we're trying not to die
Lucas: well, s o r r y -_-
Diamond: -_-
Draco: I'm going to see the kid. *goes outside*
* She goes into the cabin. *
???: "I'm Woomy. I'm looking for my friends Geo and Bo, who are somewhere in this place. I know where Geo is since I haven't seen him since when we went skiing but not where Bo is."
Draco: hold on let me get oldest bro-
Draco: why not?
Lucas: ..you know the month.
Draco: ...right
Lucas: get the the other
Draco: k-
Draco: *goes to find him*
Lucas: he's gonna go try and find him to see if he knows where your friend is
Diamond: SHUT UP
Pearl: ..💢
Spinax: Uh oh, we're snowed in.
Tank: It's ok Ovi, we'll just wait for the snow to melt.
Tyrex: Tank's right, as long we got food we should be ok.
* She goes to the SkiLifts, seeing Geo collapsed. *
Woomy: "He probably passed out because of the cold. Just warm him up and he'll wake up after a bit."
Ovi: Idk, I don't feel comfortable.
Tyrex: It's ok Ovi, as long as the big bois here, we'll comfort you.
Ovi: Thanks Tyrex that made me feel a little bit better.
Tyrex: Alright, let's go.
*The unknown creature leaves*
Spinax: I think she wants in.
Ovi: But the door is snowed in, how do we get her in?
Tank: Stand back, this is a big job for an armored Ankylosaurus.
*Tank charges at the door*
Ovi: No problem Woomy, I'm Ovi an Oviraptor
Spinax: Spinax the Spinosaurus is the name.
Tank: I'm Tank, an armored Ankylosaurus.
Tyrex: I'm Tyrex, a T Rex obviously.
*Ovi's stomach growls*
Ovi: Darn I'm hungry.
*Spinax throws a bag of chips at Ovi*
Ovi: Ow, what was that for!
Spinax: Idk?
Tank: Is he gonna be okay?
Tyrex: I'm hoping.
Spinax: Don't get your hopes too high, you know what's gonna happen if you do.
Ovi: Im Ovi, an Oviraptor.
Spinax: Spinax the Spino.
Tank: Tank the Ankylosaurus.
Tyrex: Tyrex the T Rex.
Tyrex: Now I know what your thinking, Ahhh dinosaurs, sooo scary. Yeah we're not monsters, just animals.