If there are laws, there is no freedom, if there is something that tells you what to do or what to not do, there is no freedom.
You know im surprised women at all want this, since men are generally stronger, a world with only freedom would mean much more rape, and noone would be safe then, people would be dying, people would be raped, and then the women would feel the worst pain from it, because of the rape, and then they wouldnt be able to do anything about it since as i said, its a world with no laws and men are generally stronger, more likely to keep guns and the such, civil war would ensue. You see men are stupid, if a lot of women say this is good, men will too, to increase their chance of being liked or accepted, so if all women stop, all men will follow, or about 99% because some people with a very low chance of getting a partner would want a free world out of sheer stupidity.
Im not being sexist or blaming women, im just saying, when you stop, everyone stops.
I cant prove this 100%, but it is literally in our genes to want to be accepted and loved by you, and men would do stupid things for you, and this is stupid