What I can’t understand about that is what makes a man feel like a man. For an example what makes a Christian a Christian is the fact that they believe and follow Christian teachings. But that’s where my confusion with gender comes in because there’s no standard for what determines gender. Another example is that we have physical breed standards to determine a Rottweiler from a Chihuahua. But a good counter to that would be in Holland’s KNPV BRN breed registration a dog that was 38% Malinois, 12% Dutch Shepherd, 15% Rottweiler, 20% German Shepherd, and 15% Dobermann would most likely simply count as a Malinois even if it did not meet the physical standards nor genetic standards, but still the temperamental standards. But the thing with gender is we don’t have any temperamental standard nor physical standards. So that’s my problem with self-identity is the question is “What are you identifying as”. So for an example the term “tomboy” typically implies a biological female who identifies as a girl, but enjoys things that are traditionally considered “masculine”. I can understand that because you’re saying you have a lack of interest in things traditionally associated with your sex, but with gender identity you’re saying you are a boy rather than saying you simply relate more to the standard set to males. So I feel we need to make some sort of standardized test that would measure masculinity and if you score within the 70 ≥ percentile you’re a man, if you score in the ≤30 percentile you’re a woman, ans if you score within the 31st-69th percentile you’re non-binary. There’s a lot of different genders now and there’s no real way to discriminate one gender against the other. A binary system is composed of two things, so non-binary cannot exist without there only being two other genders. There’s plenty of personality test for an example MBTI, I’m INTJ, but I’m INTJ because my results best matched INTJ, not because I simply felt like Elon Musk or Batman. So that’s my problem with understanding gender-identity is that there’s no standard.