And it's people like you, unable to evolve as a species and learn to understand the evolution of the human psyche and realize that there is so much more to individuality and presence of mind that people may inhibit and you may not understand, but the ridicule, misunderstanding and bullying is what leads to suicide. People don't exist for you, they exist for themselves. We all have our own lives to lead and there is no guide book or manual on why we are here. You may not agree with an alternative lifestyle, but its not up to you. We live in a civil, free society in which we function with sets of rules based on law, courtacy, civility and plain old respect. There is a mental illness present, and that is the individual unable or willing to grow and evolve with the ever changing profile of humanity, and that is denial. You can't change people by force, coersion or a meme. A strong mind will never be manipulated, a weak one will propagate in order to seek validation. Congrats, you are validated for being, not just behind the times, but also behind in the human psyche.