No "military" weapon has ever been used in a school shooting. Shotguns have though and the military uses a 556 round not a 223. There are firearms that shoot the 223 round that do not look as scary as the AR15 and yes, it is used to hunt small game. The 223 round is very low powered and not the death machine the media talking heads make it out to be. I get that firearms and school shooting scare you but when you use arguments that have no actual facts you get discredited before you even start.
Any attempt to stop attacks on soft targets like schools needs to start with knowing who and why these targets are chosen, the methods used are not nearly as important and unless the target gets to a point that the attacker doesn't see it as a soft target nothing will really stop them from trying.
If you really care about this issue, start at the beginning, how do we harden schools without turning them into a fortress? Technology is already able to help, panic buttons in classroom, facial recognition, cameras further out to provide more warning times, weapons at the school, trained security, volunteers if needed, training of staff with local first responders. I could go on, but my point is made, no ban on any type of weapon will help anyone unless other steps are already in place.
The simple truth is the choice of an attacker's weapon is not as important as identifying the attacker before they start their attack and keeping them away from their intended victims.