Too bad the stuff that's created ends up being immune to the cures and people don't care that vaccines do not work as long as they can fudge some numbers and make them look like they may work.
What’s Next? “We’re all gonna Die!!”
-The Pandemic BIRD FLU - H5N1-
But wait… THEY have a
to the
rescue! Humans are Immune to NATURAL
Bird Flu. But, FAUCI & GATES can’t
get RICH from That. So they MADE
a HYBRID Bird Flu that kills you. No worries… as of 2022, they happen
to have a “VACCINE” that will SAVE
YOU! You know, in case there is ever
an Outbreak of Bird Flu, in humans. Good Thing! Just so happens that the
FIRST-EVER H5N1-positive case was
identified in US in April, 2022! Wow