In his writing he claims to be sane. He also claims to be an INTJ on the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory. Having taken this assessment in a leadership seminar, it does not predict specific behavior. It only tells us where we ae starting from.
The I is for Introvert. A lot of what I have read about his manifesto is inward looking. That would support him being introverted. The inventory has ratings for each indicator. Based on how his writing focuses on how everything affects him, I would guess that he is an extreme Introvert, over 100 points.
The N is for Intuition. Intuitive people focus on pattern and impressions, imagining the future, and abstract theories. That sounds like him. A person like this might be more likely to
buy a conspiracy theory like "Great Replacement."
The T is for Thinking. This person would be impersonal when weighing a decision. Each of these measurements have an opposite. Thinking's opposite is Feeling. If he were rated Feeling, he would have cared about the impact of his actions on others.
The J is for Judging. Judging people prefer structure and firm decisions, as opposed to being more open, flexible, and adaptable.
He could have taken all that made him, him and done something to really "Make America Great." Instead he chose to kill Black people to become notorious. His motives and influences will be deconstructed for months, if not years. Then his story will blend into the history of Racism in America. It is our "Achilles Heel," which is why Putin's operatives exploit it so much.