You won't even own that tiny home or anything inside it. You won't own the right to parent your children. You won't even own the right to your own life.
Happiness is not found in owning nothing. Happiness is being to determine you own destiny. You cannot do that unless you own your own life and your own property. If you do not own your property then someone else does and you have to live under their rules.
The 14 Amendment codified what was originally going to be in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration mentioned our most basic unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Jefferson originally wrote Life, Liberty and Property but changed the last because he didn't want that to be used by slave owners (and yes, Jefferson owned slaves and he also tried to set them free but it was against Virginia law. He also tried several times to get that law overturned).
However, in the amendment that freed the slaves (along with the 13th amendment) Property replaced Pursuit of Happiness. Our most basic and fundamental rights which no man or government has the authority to take from you are Life, Liberty and Property. You cannot Pursue Happiness unless you have, at least, all three of those rights.
The WEF is an evil organization. The Great Reset is going to cause the unnecessary deaths of millions through starvation. That is what will happen when they "Reset" the economy and try to end capitalism.