I am sitting here laughing and I know that is not PC but I am anyway. How the left can have ANYONE support them in their absurd assertions I will never know! Keep in mind that I am not a Biologist, but I would say heck no, men who are born as men cannot conceive or give birth.
Case in point, I am a "birthing person" (aka as a "mother" to non-liberals) and have had two children. My husband has never gotten pg or delivered. Why? Because he can't....he is a guy. We have to quit pretending and call people out for just being plain ridiculous.
MapleSyrupSupremacy, to get the proper liberal style answer, perhaps one of the libs will give their insightful response. Thanks for the question as I enjoyed venting. So sick of leftists, I am at the point that PC behavior on this subject is just so stupid, I can no longer participate in the charade. Good meme (as usual), who_am_i ! :)