This is such an important topic, Dr.S. You are reporting the story. The story reports 'facts' and it should be allowed on imgflip. I realize that if it is not PC, they don't want to allow the truth to be posted. That is so wrong. I cannot believe the path our country is on.
America is all about free speech. If the facts don't fit the PC agenda, then the PC Police won't allow them to enter into the thought process. Conservatives are racists to be reporting 'the truth'. The ignorance is overwhelming and it is UnAmerican to not support free speech.
One meme I made about our overrun borders was rejected as racist. I argued my point with the mods and they allowed my meme to be featured and it had almost 1,000 views last time I saw it. I do give the mods credit for listening to me. I know the site has the rules and the rights on their side so I appreciated them lending me an ear. But we all have had memes rejected as you did here and I am glad you are talking about this as it it the truth and that is what matters!