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NO HOPE FOR THE DOPE | image tagged in joe biden,inflation,no clue,clueless | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
441 views 10 upvotes Made by TOETAG 3 years ago in politics
5 ups, 3y,
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Too bad the founders didn't put a clause in the Constitution where we could recall a president, senator or representative. We could have gotten Biden out before he did as much damage as he did.
2 ups, 3y,
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Diaper Don- IMPEACHED TWICE- bahhh bahhhh what a LOSER
2 ups, 3y,
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Impeach for major hoax #1 the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. Then impeached again for hoax #2 the insurrection that wasn't an insurrection.

Nancy Pelosi and all the politicians who voted for impeachment should be in prison for treason. They tried with false charges to take down a sitting president. It doesn't matter how much you hated Trump, he was the legitimately elected president and they use lies, lies that they created, to try to bring him down.

That set a horrible precedent. Now Congress can invent a crime and impeach any president they want.
2 ups, 3y,
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Extorting Ukraine for weapons- weapons they needed to defend against dirty diaper don's lover!
0 ups, 3y,
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Did you just make that up? I think you did.

Now, you don't want to be the last one on the planet desperately hanging on to a hoax, do you? It's time to let it go. There was no collusion between Russia and Trump. There never was. Even the bogus "newspapers" (like the New York Times) has finally reported the truth (for once) and said that it was all a hoax, a desperate attempt to get Hillary in the White House in 2016.

But hey, It's a free country, you can believe whatever you want. You can even believe that the earth is flat, that man has never been to the moon, that there more than two genders, that just by claiming it a man can all of the sudden be a woman, or that a senile old idiot like Joe Biden could ever get more votes than any other president ever.
1 up, 3y,
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He was IMPEEACHED over it but sure, I made that up...
0 ups, 3y,
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Impeached over a phone call that I actually read the transcript of. THERE WAS NOTHING IN THAT PHONE CALL. I said that before here in ImgFlip and some quoted from a different transcript. I think a bogus transcript was created to make Trump look guilty of something.

Impeachment is exclusively for presidents who are guilty of treason and high crimes and misdemeanors. None of the charges of that impeachment fit treason or a high crime or a misdemeanor. They were entirely bogus and made up charges. And it set a horrible precedent that will most definitely backfire on the left when one of your presidents get impeached under "the opposing party hates you" precedent that Pelosi set.

So good luck with that. You can march around all proud that Trump got his hand slapped (which is all impeachment is until the senate votes to remove you from office) EXCLUSIVELY because Democrats HATED Trump with more intensity then ever before. You guys actually do hate Trump and everyone who voted for him just a much as Hitler hated Jews.
1 up, 3y,
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Funny that Adults who heard the call said it was Extortion.
Yes, everyone lies about diaper don, except when he only hires the best- the ones that he can manipulate and wont disagree ( sounds a lot like Putin's Generals who tell Putin he is winning)
I look forward to VP Harris- confiscating voting machines after the election in 24, sending fake electors to Congress and Harris picking the next POTUS- that is the way it works now, right? I mean, good people on both sides, right? Again, pick one side and stick with it... CULT45 runs deep
0 ups, 3y,
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0 ups, 3y,
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When the Repugnant party invents new phrases like, "alt truth" and "the truth isnt the truth" and get their CULT45 members to believe.. YOU know have a CULT of Personality! drink! and DONATE
0 ups, 3y
I'm not a Republican and I've never heard the phrase "alt truth" until now. I've heard of the "alt right" and they are leftists.

There is only truth and it is absolute, not relative. Some is either true or false. Even if it is mostly true, if it is not completely true then it's false.

There cannot ever be an "alt" truth. Alternative truth is an untruth or falsehood. 2+2= 5 is an alternative truth because it is false.
2 ups, 3y,
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It's getting more transitory every day!
2 ups, 3y,
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Still higher than your CULT45 leader, and he thinks he can win an election? Not without help from Putin, again!
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Not even in your wildest dreams. And considering that Drudge turned Democrat a few years ago, this is saying a lot. This is like MSNBC or CNN reporting it.

33% is the lowest ever.

You're just going to have to accept that Biden is going down in history as one of the worst presidents. There's just no getting around that.
0 ups, 3y,
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"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States ...
0 ups, 3y,
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I don't really care how many people showed up for Trump's inauguration. Those numbers are irrelevant. Obama had the biggest turn out because Democrats are obsessed by race. Biden got a low turn out because of the pandemic and because he's a loser.

Trump got somewhere between Obama and Biden. So did most presidents. Big deal.
0 ups, 3y,
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So you would agree to lie about something so superficial is childish, and beneath the dignity of a POTUS? Why does he feel the need to lie? I dont understand Autocrats.
0 ups, 3y,
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Would I? No. But I'm not Trump and he is a bit on the childish side. So was Obama. Neither of them were very presidential. Neither is Biden, but Biden is senile so he doesn't know what he's doing most of the time. But even before that Biden was rude and condescending to his own constituents. He yells and cusses at people. He calls people names. He is, by far, the most racist president we've had since Lyndon Johnson.

George W Bush was the last president who acted like a president. Clinton was the first un-presidential president.

But then if you go back to the early days of this country political campaigns were far more rude and vial than today. They were all much like how the Democrats treated Trump. Benjamin Franklin was accused of fathering a child out of wedlock. Some idiot in the 20th century took that political accusation as fact and without any investigation into Franklin's history he added to school textbooks. There is no evidence whatsoever that Franklin was ever unfaithful to his wife and there was no child that he fathered with another woman.
0 ups, 3y,
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dirty diaper don boosted how he only hired the best- until they had an independent thought then they were fired, and he tried to ruin them professionally- you follow politics very closely?
Grab em by the pussy, and i find my daughter more sexually attractive than my wife- to most non cultist, those are alarming rants. Telling Pence- he alone can pick the next POTUS? when did one person pick a POTUS?
0 ups, 3y
If you're just going to run down Trump then go talk to someone else about it. I'm really not interested in hearing about it. Trump isn't the president anymore and I seriously doubt he ever will be again. Trump wasn't a great president but, unlike anyone who's ran for president in the Democrat Party in the last nearly 60 years, Trump was far far far better. He had problems and lots of them. But if you're only going to focus on his problems and completely ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room then I don't want to talk about it anymore. It boring and is only a distraction from the nightmare whose in the White House right now.
1 up, 3y,
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When he is IMPEACHED TWICE, in 4 years... let me know. I do recall when the polls are good, we believe them, when they arent they are fake news- right? I mean it goes for all parties or just the CULT45 party? Pick one side and try to stay with it.. bahh bahhhhhhhhh
Time to come to terms with diaper don being AN EPIC FAILURE, just like his Truth Social site!
0 ups, 3y,
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So Trump's an epic failure because of two bogus impeachments? Not because he spent more money than Obama? Not because of the tariffs? It is only the two bogus impeachments?

The only reason is because of the fraud the Democrats tried to get away with.

Ya know..... It is real easy to call something fake news just because you disagree with it. But the problem with you is that even the left wing news agencies have reported that the Russia collusion story was a hoax but you still believe it anyway. The sad thing is when someone tells you that you cry "fake news". Sorry buddy, but you are just wrong.

Both impeachments were based on frauds and that is the factual truth.
0 ups, 3y,
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Good call.. yes there are many reasons he is an EPIC failure- stealing from his own charity. What kind of a person steals, and steals from a charity, and steals from a veteran charity? Those values tell me that there is no bottom to how low he will go.
Yes, he colluded with Russia- read the report not what his "personal AG reported".
0 ups, 3y,
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If stealing from a charity is bad then you must really hate the Clintons right about now.

I've not heard about Trump stealing from a charity. I think that is fake news.

Dude. The New York Times reported, finally, that the Steele Dossier is a complete fabrication. Ya know, the same New York Times who reported daily about collusion. The same NYT that skews they're reporting so far to the left that it's hard to distinguish between them and Mother Jones Magazine. These are your own people telling you the Steele Dossier is a fraud.

The fraud is over. It's time to let go of it. It never happened.
0 ups, 3y,
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google trump steals from own charity unless facts matter
Putin has the pp tape and no doubt had his time with Melania
Read the Mueller report for yourself- it has facts, based on sworn testimony and emails so.. facts not what your puppet master says
he lost the vote too- the big lie is just that, a lie. Not one piece of proof even for diaper don appointed judges. Getting an education is probably not an option for everyone, but doing your own research is free
0 ups, 3y
When Democrats are involved I get suspicious. But it was on the New York Attorney General's website so I can see he was ordered to pay $2 million dollars. I wonder when anyone is going after the Clinton's. Haiti and Puerto Rico are still waiting for hurricane relief funds from the Clinton Foundation. I doubt they will ever see any of that money either. The Clintons sure bragged about how they were helping those countries.

Robert Mueller? You mean the one who conspired with the Clinton's to sell stolen uranium to Putin? The man who was in on the plan to remove Trump? I'm supposed to believe anything he says? Mueller should be in prison for treason.
0 ups, 3y,
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President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Sunday claimed “truth isn’t truth” when trying to explain why the president should not testify for special counsel Robert Mueller for fear of being trapped into a lie that could lead to a perjury charge.
0 ups, 3y,
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When a trial becomes overly politicized then prosecutors pull all sorts of evil tricks to trap someone in perjury. Martha Stewart went to prison because of a stupid perjury trap that was laid for her. I think perjury traps should be outlawed. Martha Stewart wasn't guilty of anything.

And you better believe that the left would have tried to set a perjury trap for Trump. They knew they couldn't get him on anything else. They were relentless in trying anything they could to get him out of office. And that is what you call treason. Every Democrat politician who was involved in all of that crap needs to be tried for treason.

If you don't like a president then wait 4 years and vote him/her out. Don't try to fabricate more and more lies and try all sorts of legal tricks. That's treason. It doesn't matter who is president.
0 ups, 3y,
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When you cant tell the truth from a lie, that is how you get in a "perjury trap" Honest people dont have to have a good memory of lies.
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That's one definition but it can also happen if you forget a minor detail that you testified about in an earlier trial or part of the trial then they can nail you on that. Even if that minor detail didn't prove guilt. It's just a way for evil people to get you for something when they can't get you for what you were charged with. They end up putting completely innocent people in prison because of a minor detail. It's obscene. But then so is most everything in the government. Like immanent domain and taxation.
0 ups, 3y,
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Telling the truth i find is the easiest way to stay out of a perjury "trap". When you lie about crowd size and getting a hole in one ( where are the witnesses to this) you are a narcissist and unable to grasp reality.
0 ups, 3y
I agree but it's not a matter of truth. It's a matter of making a mistake in your testimony. It's stuff like in a previous statement a defendent was asked what time an event occurred (that was completely unrelated to the defendent's guilt or innocence) 20 years ago and they said around noon. But then later said it was probably 12:30.

That is perjury and the defendent can go go prison for that. But is that ethical? No!!!!
1 up, 3y
and still has a higher approval rating than Dirty Diaper Donnie- the repugnant front runner and Grand Grifter!
3 ups, 3y
2 ups, 3y
hee hee Diaper Don's was too- lost the popular vote TWICE and still cant take responsibility for LOSING
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