You just did 4 me. Thank you!
Here's the thing-my country's tax dollars aren't going 2 Russia's Neo Nazis.
My country didn't install a nazi battalion/gov n2 Russia(?).
If they did, you bet I would be criticizing the hell out of that, too.
The reason why I'm going so hard against the Nazis in Ukraine, is because
1. It's the only officially Neo Nazi militia.
2. My hypocritical government is funding it, just like they funded ISIS to overthrow Assad. As an American I have to take issue with what my government is doing.
3. I never defended Putin. I never carried water 4 him. Because I'm not defending him, because I'm not negating how bad he is, I don't feel like I have to add anything to what people are already saying about him. A lot of the criticism against Putin is fine, so I don't feel the need to reiterate what is common knowledge.
I feel the need to scream at the elephant in the room, that is America's corrupt foreign policy and our big tech censoring people like me on behalf of our government.
People know Putin is bad.
What they don't realize is that our globalists are trying to get us into a 3rd world war that could go nuclear.
Our government is willing to send Ukrainians to their death against a large country that they have no chance of winning against. We're sending them to their slaughter, foreign policy experts have theorized that it's all a move to bleed Putin at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
It's not righteous. The country is being used by our globalists.
4. Some of this is personal against my own government and cancel culture. I just had a McCarthy Red Scare lite from my government, media, and corporations that basically called everyone they disliked a Nazi, regardless of whether they actually were or not (most weren't). And this sometimes got people fired or punched regardless of whether they were actually part of that.
So some of this is me rightly paying back those people who called everyone else a Nazi (getting some fired, careers ruined, black listed etc) when they weren't, but now want to not only fund actual Nazis overseas, but also censor ME talking about it. They censored me on Deviant art, buried me under an algorithm on Facebook, and took down people's youtube channels for talking about it.
If my country was funding the Wagner division to the same extent they were funding Azov, trust me, I would talk about it.
For what it's worth, I already downloaded that image to use elsewhere, if that makes you feel better :)