Okay, hear me out. I'm not saying I'm like one of those cringe TikTok girls who use these mental disorders for clout. It's just that I've always wondered if I have ADHD because if I do, it's making my life suck and something has to be done to lessen the effects and help get my life in order because I'm a year away from my first year of Senior High and if something isn't done, I might not graduate and end up a High School drop-out.
I have never been diagnosed with ADHD, my parents never said I have been diagnosed with ADHD. But it's something that has always bothered me. And it's not impossible that the doctors have never noticed because Jacksepticeye has only learned now that he has ADHD, and he's an adult. I always find it hard to focus and when I do focus, I really can't rip my attention away from that thing or detail. And this has been something everyone around me has noticed. I'm always clumsy and I never think first before doing something. But I don't want to immediately say "Oh, I officially have ADHD, this is me now." because self-diagnosing yourself with a mental disorder when you don't even have a diploma for medicine is stupid af.
And if I do have ADHD, it won't be something I'll make a big deal out of, it won't be something I'll be proud of, but it won't be something I'll be ashamed of either. It would just some kind of thing God thought would be a good idea to put in me but HELL NO it wasn't. Just a little detail about myself. But I wouldn't want other people to make a big deal out of it either. I would just want people to treat me like they would treat a guy without ADHD. But it's important that I know because if I do, something could be done to help me with it. Some kind of therapy or treatment I could do. It's fine if I find out I actually don't have ADHD either, cuz that would just mean I just have some massive skill issue and I don't need therapy, I just need to practice and it'll be easy for me to improve myself.
But the problem is, I can't really just casually ask my parents "Oh hey, very strict Asian mom and dad who only want perfect children with good grades and no mental disability, can I please ask a doctor if I have ADHD or not?" and they won't go "Oh sure, Jemy, you can ask a doctor!" No. It's not like that. It'll be weird and awkward and they'd probably get really mad and lecture me about responsibility and shit.