So you really can't think of any right now?
You're just telling me to read your essay that you made for the LGBTQ stream to make yourself look like the goody twos shoes victim?
All that has is a controversy about me supposedly PLANNING to test the limits of what's allowed, Because that is DEFINITELY what I would want to spend my time on!
"These images are clearly meant to stir drama" I commented on the imaged that CAUSED the drama!
And you act like me being in my 40's instantly makes me a demon or something!
Should I just sit on a rocking chair, Knit sweaters for my grandkids and tell kids to get off my lawn?! Is that what you think "Age Appropriate" is?!
And now about you making another controversy about my condition, Thinking I use it as a means to just do anything I like.
When was the last time you saw me say "Oh sorry, My ALTER took my keyboard!"?