Well, yeah, but I do also believe that it is a good way to teach young kids that being something other than cisgender and/or straight is okay, especially since there's a very low chance of such a thing ever being taught in schools, and many parents don't ever even bother bringing it up themselves. In addition, the song doesn't even dive that in-depth into everything, but yet gives a basic understanding as to how some people are different, but that that difference is okay. As a result of that, kids can actually start learning more about the world and who they might truly be, instead of facing constant thoughts of "not fitting in" for being different as they grow up, which would be due to the lack of what schools and families teach children. In all honesty, it's best to have our youth know that people are people, no matter our sexualities or gender identities, instead of them growing up without a clue about any of it all and, as a result, having a higher chance of seeing such things as wrong. It's an important message to get out to our youth, so that they can grow knowing that these things are okay and not having to feel like if they fall under the LGBTQ+ spectrum, are abominations to society, because they're not. In short, it's better to learn to love instead of to be clueless and forge a heart of hate due to a lack of knowledge. Definitely a huge step forward in today's society, and one that we really needed.