Well... for starters they ignored the forced labor camps in China...
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Because a company rebranding itself in the US. What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to equate that for something happening half way around the world? Seriously, what gives? You're really reaching
It highlights the insanity ofnthe #Woke left that their ridiculous thought-games like "Is my food racist?" h3ld absolutely no bearing on the state of the world, despite their self-absorbed insistence that their complaints were The Most Important Thing Ever.
The absurdity of the notion is on the one claiming it, not from someone pointing out the silliness in claiming a relation under the pretend guise of lame ridicule. You could toss in pterodactyl riding purple elephants into the mix, doesn't mean someone proves your non-point by pointing out that the faux connection is a desperately stretched one.
Oh, THAT'S supposed to be funny?
You let me know when your next gig is happening at Caroline's, Howie Mandell, I'll see what I can do about getting there,,,