God, you say a million may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me. I pray for your followers in Russia. I pray for your followers in Ukraine. I pray for Vladimir Putin. May the Lord who saved Egypt from famine and brought the Israelites out of the Red Sea touch his heart. No ruler was made a ruler without your consent. Anyone in authority was put there by You.
I pray for President Zelensky, that You may keep him in all his ways. I pray that he will not take credit for any feat, that the Glory will be all Yours.
I pray that You will strike sense into the hearts of these rulers, that they may think about their citizens. I pray for the advisors, who are bringing these nations to their dooms.
You shall send your angels to take charge over the Russians and Ukrainians, lest they dash their feet against stones. By Your hand You strengthen them, and show them Your salvation.
Thank You for hearing our prayers. Open our eyes to see the Truth, so that it may set us free. Thank you for WW3, that it may refine our faith like a purifying fire.
Thank You for all who were lost, that they will receive their judgements in due time.
In Jesus's Name I pray.