70%+ popular... except with Navalny, whose base of support is mostly in Langley and Whitehall.
And no...Russia can just as easily sell to the Chinese and Indians as they can the Europeans. If Europe wanted to start messing with Russia - they should have thought ahead...
But this was all engineered and provoked by the US, who've been cultivating Ukrainian NAZIS since the late 1940's. The 2014 NAZI COUP was just the last straw. The US did this deliberately - remember Victoria Nuland's 2014 phonecall with Amb. Pyatt? "F_ck the EU"... She advised that "Yats" (our World Bank Technocrat choice for Ukraine's new President - while Yanukovich was still in office) should be on phonecalls with Oleh (Tyahnybok) three times a week. Oleh is the leader of the Nazi Azov Battalions. The RAND Corporation recommended drawing Russia into Ukraine - with the goal of "overextending and unbalancing" them, in a 2019 report. The real goal, is stealing their Natural Gas market in Europe - like the Nordstream2 pipeline, which is currently scuttled, as a result of the tensions generated by the US, through the puppet Government that they effected in 2014, and since. https://www.globalresearch.ca/rand-corp-how-destroy-russia/5678456