_"Truckers aren't burning down Police stations"
The vaccine is necessary and it's the same as every other vaccine hundreds of millions of children in the first world have been vaccinated in schools for DECADES, "My body my choice here" doesn't apply, because it's a contagious disease, not a baby, and thus, my body too, and your freedom to risk a marginally statistic anaphylaxis easily stoppable with an EpiPen, ends with my freedom not to risk getting my lungs scarred, because a human plague rat has developed one of the many variants, the scientific community has been warning since almost day 1.
_Truckers are disrupting the capitol of an entire country based on lies, and are not even popular within most Canadian actual truckers, whom are almost all vaccinated and not participating, nor being sympathetic, to this "trucker" CONvoy.
_The Minneapolis police station was burnt by far right agitators trying to false flag antifa attacks, they are: Ivan Harrison Hunter, Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, Bryce Michael Williams, Davon De-Andre Turner, and Branden Michael Wolfe.
_The vast majority of the violence that took place during the George Floyd protest, was started by far right provocateurs and infiltrated cops, also, American police officers tend to form white supremacist vigilante gangs, while on uniform, many a times with a blind eye from their supervisors.
"Aren't blocking access to Ottawa using armed gay antifa"
_Which Antifa didn't do to Washington DC, only in Seattle and not all different in the scope of disruption, probably even more since Ottawan citizens are literally losing it.
_Truckers have blocked Ambassador bridge, one of the key points (a customs border between the US and Canada none the freaking less) of entrance to the Canadian capitol from the US (which is why they chose to block it above any other, like, get your own tactics straight, why do you think they're blocking that bridge and not literally any other, HUH?), and they're making transit and entrance through the city a near impossibility.
_Can't even compare how the police reacted to George Floyd protests, over escalating them from day 1, where even unmarked vans where taking protestors, ziptied and everything without no warrants no nothing, trotting the line between a citizen's arrest and straight up kidnapping.
_Canadian cops against truckers are being a bunch of pussies compared with American cops against anti police brutality protests, and themselves against CGL pipeline protests