you get a meme idea; it's not a good idea; you decide to make the meme anyways; you still don't think it's good; it might even be a repost; you submit it anyways but it doesn't take an hour to get featured; then it gets featured after 17 hours; it gets 150 views in the first 5 minutes; then it gets 10 upvotes 5 minutes later; it also gets 20 comments and they're all good; the comments say things about upvoting your meme; there's a huge comment chain; now it has 10,000 views and 3,500 upvotes; you're on the front page; you get 2,500 more followers because of your meme; you're #1 on the leaderboard; your name is in the news about the best meme in the world; imgflip says you can help manage their website