Now I gotta say something here. Science is not politics. And scientists don't agree with ANY political opinion, niether left not right. Scientists do also, unlike many believe, not consider thier conclutions absolute truth, but rather likely statements that they WANT others to try to disprove.
The culprit is how science is used in the public debate. First of all, politicians DO consider scienific results absolute truth, or at least they do when the results in any way support their opinion.
Secondly, politicians make their OWN conclutions, loosely based on a mix of cherrypicked science, their own opinions, and a flawed line of reasoning. Then they call these conclutions ”science”, to make it sound better.
All politicians do this to some extent, left as well as right. However, those representing socialistic opinions tend to do this more than liberals and conservatives.
Finally, I want to say that it's sad when science becomes a political question. Science is not political. A good scientific study or research can be recreated by anyone else, no matter where they live in the world, which political opinions they have or which funders they have, and still give the same results.
Good meme though, I'll give you that.