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So classic -- straight from the 1890s.
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The main difference is the men against that kind of stuff were working against a push for equality, and the women they were fighting against were much more admirable individuals than wear their moniker today.

What I'm against is hate and supremacy groups, and the modern cult of feminism encapsulates both of those characteristics. Not too much a fan of the dishonest, hypocritical cultists that wave the banner of that hate group either - Kind of hard to have any kind of real discussion with someone who's delusional enough to believe that they are in any way admirable, when they universally do and celebrate so many deplorable things; It's almost like they're a bunch of mentally ill assholes who use what the namesake of their cult USED to stand for to justify their abhorrent attitude and actions...

*Blinks twice.*

... But I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that...
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I'm glad that you disapprove of hate and supremacy groups: feminism is neither. Anyone who tries to sell you on the idea that women being equal humans is a form of hate and supremacy probably is mentally ill.
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Ah, yes - The good ol' 'definition of feminism'. It'd be nice if your cult actually practiced that...
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Wow, I don't see where you get the information to be calling me a cult member. It's not a label that just fits on anything, you know.
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No, it fits cultists, so that's why I use the term. Anyone who can see something like this and think to themselves 'I'm fighting for womens' rights' is extremely delusional to begin with:

And, if you claim to be 'a feminist', which I assume you do, then you are proclaiming you're part of a cult that just so happens to be a hate and supremacy group so, yes - Calling you a clutist is entirely accurate...
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That looks like an anti-feminist parody to me . . . are you taking the parody for the real thing? (Hint: that template is almost always used to attack a position.)
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People don't need to parody it - It's an accurate representation. The only ones who would say it's not is the indoctrinated, delsional cultists that are unwilling to accept that they wave the banner of a hate group.

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As if. You just weren't worth the ink. Come back in 5 years and we'll talk, yes?
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Naw; I'm good debating whenever one comes a long because the basis of my beliefs is not created on a foundation of bullshit and delusions that crumbles when the least amount of scrutiny/logic is applied to it - I also have this weird thing called 'integrity' which leads to be loyal to others and be consistent in how I apply my beliefs while still keeping an open enough mind to change them if/when they are doing harm to liberty or the pursuit of happiness of they themselves who do not disrupt others' liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As far as those who DO live lifestyles that disrupt others' liberty and pursuit of happiness, I typically just point out their hypocrisy and delusions since it almost exclusively happens online, 'cuz I'd imagine the people that live those sorts of lives are typically very cowardly, so they prefer to be keyboard warriors over actually facing the reality that they would have to have a real conversation about what they believe without having the ability to call fellow cultists or take screenshots of conversations so you could bring them elsewhere and get validation that that person had no idea what they were talking about and that you are a good little cult member for sticking with the cult, though oddly enough I'd imagine during these 'reassurance sessions', you probably don't actually say WHY the person is wrong, or disprove what they said, you just say that he/she was, and celebrate your own awesomeness!

But, I do have to apologize for that 'toxic feminists aren't real feminists' meme - I know NPCs tend to glitch-out when you disrupt their programming in any way, and I assume your next talking point was [IDENTIFY SUBJECT OF JUSTIFIED CRITICISM AND DISMISS WITH 'THAT'S NOT REAL CULT MEMBER' TALKING POINT], and it was wrong of me to disrupt your programming by preemptively posting that bit of truth.
0 ups, 2y
The only possible response:

But, you keep doing you. There are a lot of laughs in it, just as you say.
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I also have to apologize further since I actually can't really write out as long as a response I would have wanted if we were bidding farewell to one another, but I was going to suggest not only that you Follow me, as a vast majority of the content I post is genuinely funny stuff, as I'm not sickly obsessive like a lot of cultists I've seen on here - I was also gonna' suggest that you might wanna' stick to your echo-chambers if you don't want the fact that you wave the flag of a hate group rightly scrutinized, because that's bound to happen when you do.

And, lastly, I guess I was going to suggest NOT waving the banner of a hate group and actually find a worthwhile group with the similar goals to the cult your part of, but is more admirable and concistent about pursuing those goals as stated, as opposed to just being a large group of mostly toxic hypocrites that use cult mandate to justify acting in deplorable ways towards what is loosely interpreted as 'enemies of the cult', but we both know that's not likely to happen. Beyond that, it's an uncomftorable transition because once you leave the cult you are sure to be immediately deemed a 'blasphemer' and alienated by any cultists you may have called 'friends' - At least that's what I've heard happens from the few people that I've seen online recounting their experience when abandoning the cult; Loyalty to people doesn't seem to be one of your guys' top priorities or, like, any priority, which is kind of an indication that you're mostly morally bankrupt. On the plus side, though, I've never heard of anyone who didn't end up happier than they were as a cult member after leaving the cult, and removing the requirement to follow cult mandate without question allows you to think more freely and become more empathetic as then you will not be told that you should not consider certain viewpoints and opinions.

BUUUHHHTTT, you do you. I still have many more funny memes lined up than political ones, but I do have a couple doozies up my sleeve for telling the truth about cultists, but that's assuming it doesn't end up in front of a cultist mod who will try to supress it with the knowledge that it that kind of truth can be damaging to the cult, and the cultists look kinda' dumb when you actually distill their hypocrisy into a particularly poigniant meme.

Anyways: jusqu'à la prochaine fois!
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