The only difference between Bernie and Biden are their name, their mental ability and Bernie is a socialist while Biden is a fascist and there is not a whole lot of difference between socialists and fascists.
Vague? No it's more than that. I haven't even told you were you can go to look. And I'm not going to. I and many others have posted and posted and posted and posted and posted and posted evidence after evidence, proof after proof. All we ever got from it all is blah, blah, blah, blah... Just one denial after another.
I'm just tired. If you want to know the truth you have to want to. Nothing I can say, do, post will ever convince you. So, what are you going to do? Continue denying it and never really knowing for sure? Will you run to all of the left wing news sources to find comfort in your belief? Or will you actually search for the truth? It's your decision.