How is being recognized for who you are more rights than anyone else?
You have that now. You have the right to wear the clothing you want.
You say you dont' care- but you do. You said, "has no legal authority to dictate my reality." It's clear you do care. You're very upset about it. And you want to force someone to conform to YOUR expectations, yet you refuse to conform to anyone else's expectations.
But let me explain trans in a way that might be helpful to you. I too was once in the camp of "trans isn't a thing." But someone asked me "what makes you a man?"
I answered with the standard things like facial hair, back hair, the p**is and testicles, all that biological stuff.
They said, "great, now let's say you're in an accident. it's horrible. Your body is a mangled pile of meat. BUT, your brain is just fine. Miracle of science, they're able to put your brain into a robot body. It's an r2-d2 looking thing. works great, but there is no resemblance to a human body at all. Now, you're asked to fill out a form. It has Male or Female on it. Which one do you choose?"
I thought for a moment and said "Male. I'm still a guy."
They asked "Why? All the things you said that made you male- the back hair, testicles, all of that is gone. It's never coming back. How are you still male?"
after some thought, I realized that the internal sense of self- male- matched my external self- male. And that a trans person doesn't have that same match.Their internal self doesn't match up to the external self. If you were to put their brain into a robot body, and they had to fill out that form, they would mark something different than what their physical body had been.
You said you won't be forced to recognize someone's identity if it doesn't match your expectations. Yet you also demand that they conform to "your reality." You belittle them with terms like Pyscho.
How is that small government? How is that "getting out of the way" of people if you're forcing them to act and dress in an approved way?
And if you feel that a trans person has "more rights" than you do to be recognized for who they are, you should spend some time in thought. What is it about you that you're not allowed to be true to?