"WiseCracker 0 ups, 1h
Come to Texas in August, forget sunscreen - bring BBQ sauce, I think you'll need it."
Bx, NY, NY, born n raised. Not only we got the mega heat in the summer, we got a crap ton of concrete and pavement to magnify it, all wrapped in one big tub of humidity - no dry heat here.
Oh, went to Puerto Rico for a month every summer growing up, lived 7.5 months once there too. No airconditioning in that house, and I refused to use a fan like everyone else did. Was the only one in the neighborhood who slept through blackouts like a babe.
We grew up without any of that, pops not getting it installed till we were in out 20s (Quote of the day, courtesy of a sibling, "What for? We're used to it already.").
Enjoy your occasionally chilly winter!