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I think that the main reason why we see the wealth gap on such a high scale is the fact that we have been flooded with cheap foreign made products mostly from Chy-na and lefties and righties keep buying it up. If anyone was concerned about a living wage for workers, they would stop buying any foreign made products. We wouldn't even have the supply crisis RN or the high gas prices.
We can protest and beat our chest all we want but until the globalist corporations pockets are being assaulted there will be no talk of wages matching living cost. My suggestion is buy American made stuff and produce products and services for the local and national markets. Think about it, it's a niche at this point and a capitalist could really capitalize on it while helping the country, putting a hurt on the greedy top 1percent without our worthless goobermint intervening because they will screw it up.
1 up, 2y
The widening wealth gap has everything to do with the assault on the working class and their unions, and the resurgence of the capitalist class through neoliberal policies and institutions.
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What's a "living wage", komrade?
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What a person needs to afford a comfortable life, including all their human necessities.
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What if our definitions of "comfortable" and "necessites" differ?
Because, I am pretty sure they do.
Who is to decide? The Gov't? Right...they always do such a great job!
2 ups, 2y,
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Of course our definitions will prefer, which is why we produce according to need. Some need more of one thing than others. Some desire only an apartment, others need a house. Some have smaller appetites. People require different types of clothes. Individuals themselves determine their need, and take what they need.
1 up, 2y,
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I said
"differ", not 'prefer'.
The rest of your words are the same old failed Communist rhetoric...
0 ups, 2y,
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My autocorrect has been really shitty lately for some reason.
0 ups, 2y
Oh, so now it is your commie computor that is spouting all that tired old commie rhetoric.
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1 up, 2y,
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Tell this to your boss and you’re gold.
0 ups, 2y,
2 replies
I am the boss. Been in business 22 years. I bet you drive a clown car
1 up, 2y
that would be "pedal a clown car"
0 ups, 2y,
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My car kills fascists.
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Go figure. Typical libtard move. Fragile and must use a car. How much did you donate to this demigod?
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Nothing. That happened less than an hour from me and I was horrified. My mind was thinking about how to help those affected.
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Yet you comment you run conservatives over with you car? Another question. How many bags of shit do you fill for pantifa?
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Thank you for admitting you’re a fascist.
0 ups, 2y
Thank you for admitting your a killer, and as a bonus you admitted the area you live in. Lol. You have the right to remain silent you know.
0 ups, 2y
Don't worry took a screenshot that you admitted to trying to murder people you don't agree with. With a car! I don't flag, it's a free country, but I will use it. Tell Satan I said f**k off
Jim Halpert Explains memeCaption this Meme
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Under capitalism, workers are obligated to sell their labor to the capitalist class in order to survive. Capitalists aren’t required to pay a living wage.