Gender equality doesn't exist ( and no im not sexist) but not for the reasons you think, One, there are stricter laws for men such as a man can't hit a woman but a woman can hit a man, Number two and this is very controversial but many men who are accused of r**e and proven guilty and ever even done it, there lives are ruined, no job, no education and no friends.
the last one is quite sad but people keep foucising on th female homless percentage even though the homless rate of male and female are 260,284 men compared to 106,119 women. Thus, men are the majority of individuals experiencing homelessness (70 percent) followed by women (29 percent).,by%20women%20(29%20percent).
4 minutes ago
EDIT: I also forgot FEMINIST is the biggest problem like the conference in Detroit which many feminist protesters pressured the hotel to stop the conference and they stopped it..