Hilary testified to Congress and never plead the 5th. Remember chanting Lock Her Up- how did that turn out? Fat Donnie is closer than anyone to be indicted.
Eric wouldnt testify only plead the 5th. Did he do something wrong? Do only guilty people plead the 5th?
Try reading Huff post today- see if anything there makes sense. It cant be crazier than AON/NewsMax.
1. Josh Hawley-“Democrats don’t accept elections that they don’t win.”
2. Fox News’ Sean Hannity sent then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany a plan to handle then-President Donald Trump the day after the deadly U.S. Capitol riot, according to newly released text messages. Hannity told McEnany it was “key” that “no more crazy people” were allowed access to the then-president.
“Yes 100%,” McEnany, who is now a host on the conservative network, replied.
3. The Republican electors declared themselves “duly elected and qualified,” and sent signed certificates to Washington claiming to affirm Trump as the winner in five states he had actually lost — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, the Post noted. All the states had legitimate Democratic electors for Joe Biden, reflecting residents’ votes.
4. “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state,” Trump said in the call, which was recorded by Raffensperger’s office and subsequently released to The Washington Post. Trump also threatened Raffensperger with criminal prosecution if he failed to do as Trump demanded.